6th annual pre-DrupalCon pubcrawl!

Start DrupalCon Portland off on the right foot! Reconnect with old friends or make new ones.

Sunday, May 5th, 5:30pm

We’re back in Portland and now have the benefit of experience. Two years ago we were freshly back in person and could only do a happy-hour, now it’s back to the crawl!

Whether this is your fifteenth DrupalCon or your first, a chance to reconnect or meet people before the conference starts lets you find some conference buddies before everything ramps up is invaluable.

Please Sign up on Eventbrite so we can harvest your precious email addresses let the venues know how many people to expect.

keep up to date

For live updates on where to go and when the group is leaving for a new location please follow @jmickela on Twitter.

2023 First Stop Picture at Southern Tier in Pittsburgh


The route is relatively far from the convention center, but all the locations are within a few blocks of each other. You can go to as many or as few as you like, there almost always ends up being a fourth (and sometimes fifth) location, so don’t feel like you have to turn into a pumpkin at midnight.

  • Cascade Brewing Barrel House
    5:30pm – 7:30pm
    939 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR 97214
  • Rogue Brewing
    7:45pm – 9:45pm
    928 SE 9th Ave, Portland, OR 97214
  • Grand Central Bowl & Arcade
    10pm – 12pm
    808 SE Morrison St, Portland, OR 97214

pro-tips for the crawl

This is my tenth time organizing a DrupalCrawl, so I’ve learned a thing or two about how to make the most of it. Aside from what’s below the best way to get the most of this crawl, and of DrupalCon as a whole, is to be kind and expect that most of the other attendees are as well. Nearly everyone I’ve met in the Drupal community has been welcoming and friendly, show up with that same energy and you’ll have a great time.

Pay as You Go

I can’t stress that enough, especially for the first stop. Last year our first location had around 40-60 people show up, and the venue was already busy on their own. Waiting with 50 other people to run your card and close out isn’t super fun.

Don’t be Shy

Lots of people that will be there will already know each other, but they’re all friendly and welcome a new face. If you get to the venue and don’t see us you can ask a bartender, I generally let them know when we arrive, otherwise you can just look for the Drupal shirts.

It’s a Marathon Project, Not a Sprint

Don’t overdue it at the first or second venue, you don’t want to be the person who misses half the first day of DrupalCon because you can’t get out of bed.

Have a Plan to Get Back

Since this is a good distance from the conference center and the hotels you will probably want to have a plan for getting back. Maybe Uber/Lyft/Cab, walking it, having a friend carry you, whatever it is, make sure you know in advance.

The DrupalCon Code of Conduct Applies to All Social Events

Here’s a link to the code of conduct. Thankfully, this is something that has never been an issue in the past and I would like to keep it that way.