2024 Connections Cohort

Group of women smiling with purple and green graphic elements on top and white text that says rootid connections cohort

Looking to enhance your communication, leadership and brand strategy skills? We are excited to invite you to join our 2024 Connections Cohort— a transformative journey designed to unlock your communications potential and build thoughtful and intentional practices to engage with communities in an equity-centered and accessible way. Contact Val for more info.

Design Your Own Cohort

Create a space to collaborate and design your own private cohort for you and your community members and/or partner organizations.

Participating in rootid’s communications cohort has been a deeply connective and enlightening experience. I’ve appreciated being in community with other communications leaders where a diversity of wisdom is shared and resonant support offered. There hasn’t been a cohort meeting I’ve left without some new insight or tool gained that I could immediately integrate into my work at KTA. Grateful to rootid for convening and curating such a special space!

Gianna Banducci, she/her
Kitchen Table Advisors
Sacramento region, ancestral Patwin land

Our 2024 cohort participants will embark on a comprehensive exploration of communication techniques, leadership development, and brand strategy led by expert facilitators and co-designed by like-minded partners who are passionate about personal and professional growth. 

Together, we will curate a dynamic series of connections including:

  • monthly roundtables featuring learning activities and presentations on key topics and strategies 
  • monthly deep-dive workshops utilizing our innovative and effective solution room model where participants connect for thought partnership and relationship building activities
  • resource sharing and networking via our invitation-only community slack channel 
  • access to quarterly 1:1 coaching sessions with rootid professionals and consultants 

However, this journey is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about building meaningful connections as we will uplift and inspire each other, forming lifelong bonds that extend beyond the program.

As a first step to becoming a part of the cohort, please share a little about what you are looking to get out of this experience by completing this form.

Cohort membership is good for one calendar year so you can get started whenever you would like.

These sessions will be facilitated by rootid team members Val Neumark (she/they), Andrew Goldsworthy (he/him), Anjali Mehta (she/her), and Mabel Colón (she/ella) and will take place over Zoom.

Multiple people from a single organization will be considered as separate “seats”.

Questions? Email: valerieATrootid.com

Our schedule and topics will be aligned to our 2024 event calendar and be a place for follow-up discussions and deeper connection after each free community roundtable.

monthdate/timeevent detailsfacilitators  
Feb Wed Feb 21 10am PT Roundtable (90mins) 
Aligning Values & Audiences in a Community Centered Way 
Fri Feb 23 10am PT Solution Room: Cohort-Only (60mins)
Cohort Kick-off: Session #1
MarchWed Mar 20 10am PTRoundtable (90mins)  
Getting the Answers You Need: Community Input Through an Equity Lens
Fri Mar 22 10am PT Solution Room: Cohort-Only (60mins)
Cohort Solution Room: Session #2
AprilWed April 17 10am PTRoundtable (90mins) 
Organizing the Chaos: How Logic Models
Fri April 19
10am PT 
Solution Room: Cohort-Only (60mins)
Cohort Solution Room: Session #3
May Wed May 22
10am PT 
Roundtable (90mins) 
Website Content Audits: How to Assess What is and Isn’t Working on Your Website 
Fri May 24 
10am PT 
Solution Room: Cohort-Only (60mins)
Cohort Solution Room: Session #4
JuneWed June 26
10am PT 
Roundtable (90mins)
Making Sense of Website Analytics
Fri June 28
10am PT
Solution Room: Cohort-Only (60mins)
Cohort Solution Room: Session #5
July Wed July 24
10am PT 
Roundtable (90mins)  Messaging Segmentation for Social Media val
Fri July 26
10am PT
Solution Room: Cohort-Only (60mins)
Cohort Solution Room: Session #6
AugWed Aug 21
10am PT 
Roundtable (90mins)
Campaign Planning Part 1 (Prototype): EOY (End of Year) Equity Driven Giving Campaigns
Fri Aug 23 
10am PT
Solution Room: Cohort-Only (60mins)
Cohort Solution Room: Session #7
SeptWed Sept 18
10am PT 
Roundtable (90mins)
Campaign Planning Part 2 (Test/Try): EOY (End of Year) – Tools & templates that center people 
Fri Sept 20
10am PT
Solution Room: Cohort-Only (60mins)
Cohort Close Out: Session #8
OctWed Oct 23 
10am PT 
Workshop – PAID OFFERING (90mins)
Elevate Your Narrative Strategy

*Free for Cohort Members

$300 per person. Free trial sessions upon request.

Save Your Spot

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Design your own Cohort

Create a space to collaborate and design your own private cohort for you and your community members and/or partner organizations.

Add-ons: 50 minute, Communications Strategy Consulting 


We provide a link to our resource folder and slide deck draft 24 hours before all session as well as enable live transcription and closed caption during the live Zoom session. 

Seats are limited and reserved on a first-come first-served basis.

Have Questions?

email: valerieATrootid.com