Making Sense of Website Analytics

making sense of website analytics

When: June 26, 2024 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. PT
Location: zoom
Language: English

Slide Deck | Resource Folder

If you are looking to explore how to make your website analytics make sense and actionable, this is the training for you. In this interactive workshop, we will give you a framework to identify which metrics are most important, how to know what “good” is, and how to use the data to tell a story that your team can act on.

During this hands-on event you will:

  • build a framework to select website metrics that are meaningful for your work.
  • develop a measurement plan that helps track progress towards your department and organizational goals.
  • practice using metrics to tell a story that drives action with co-workers and community members.

You will have time during the workshop to select the metrics that are most meaningful for your organization. You will also have opportunities to work in groups to elevate questions and challenges in the planning process.

Walk away with a measurement plan that your team can use to jump start your work after the workshop.

your co-facilitators

Andrew Goldsworthy

Director of Client Success

red haired person with black rim glasses and a black shirt on a light blue background

Val Neumark

Director of Strategy

We strive to co-create spaces of meaningful connection and belonging (these workshops are not webinars). We encourage and model frequent screen and body breaks. We believe collective learning leads to the most innovative and effective outcomes.

We provide a link to our resource folder and slide deck draft 24 hours before the session as well as enable live transcription and closed caption during the live Zoom session. Our sessions are recorded (absent any technical difficulties) and can be accessed on our website a few days after the event.

I’ve loved the sessions I’ve attended, especially when there are very practical steps to take or templates to use. I also appreciate the inclusiveness of all the sessions and how you always create opportunities to interact in small groups. No matter what the topic is, getting into these groups makes me realize that I’m not alone in this. Others struggle with some of the same challenges that I do, and that’s always comforting. So A+ for community building.

Dorian Nakamichi
Helping Hands Hawaii